Andrew Min, a financial advisor and Wealth Management specialist at John Blake Financial Solutions.
John Blake Increase Your Success By 70%

John Blake Increase Your Success By 70%Visit to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

Today, we are going to talk about how to increase your chances of success by 70%, because no matter what you’re doing, in life or in business, you should always be experimenting with new methods to increase your chances of success.

In our quest to increase revenue and attract more clients, we all get to a point where we really do have to start testing our ideas, the point where you’ve planned something – a new idea, a new product or a new strategy that you really want to implement, but you start to second-guess yourself, and then to second-guess your second-guesses.

I’m speaking from firsthand experience, I’ve been there. The most important advice I can offer is to just try something! Test it out, and see what happens, see what the market returns to you.

When you start to second-guess, that’s when you know you’ve just got to try it out and see what happens.

I read this fascinating article recently, first published around 2005. The article recounts a study of patients who had severe medical conditions and required significant lifestyle changes in order to live.

The unfortunate result was that after only 12 months, 90% of the patients had reverted back to their old lifestyles, virtually guaranteeing an impending death. These were people that were super overweight and were drinking and smoking.

So, faced with the imminent threat of death, the vast majority of people, 90%, still failed to make more productive choices.

Contrastingly, there was another group, a much more successful one, which had an 80% success rate.

How did they achieve an 80% success rate? Well, here’s what they did differently: they were involved in peer support sessions.

So essentially, they met on a regular basis and they discussed their progress, their struggles, and the things that they had been challenged within their quest to change. They encouraged each other and supported each other, and as a result, the majority of them stayed on track.

By having others hold them accountable and encouraging them, they increased their chances of success by seven times: a 700% higher chance of success. So what does this mean for us, and how can we learn from this study?

To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.

Inside you’ll get word-for-word email followup templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.


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Free Audio Training and PDF Guide Shows Precisely How to Fix Your Follow Up For Good - Get My Complete System For Doubling Sales With Your Existing Lead Flow.