Andrew Min, a financial advisor and Wealth Management specialist at John Blake Financial Solutions.
John Blake Increasing Sales by Better Disqualification

John Blake Increasing Sales by Better DisqualificationVisit to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

Today we are going to be talking about another part of the sales process that business owners often fail to properly implement, the disqualification process.

This term may sound a little harsh if what comes to mind is that you’re saying to somebody “look we’re too good for you, we don’t want your business”.

That is a common misconception that happens mostly because some businesses don’t know how to approach this stage. To be clear, by disqualification we understand that businesses evaluate and make decisions over which clients’ necessities and capabilities fit more with the type of product or service that their business provides.

The fact that this misconception exists means that we have another variable in the equation, people’s opinion. Specifically, what the people that haven’t worked with you directly are saying about your business.

You know how easy it is to write a bad review on Google, if people contact your company to ask about something and they have a bad experience people are going to know about it.

If you don’t have a good process for disqualifying people at the front end what happens is you are making people mad at your company, you are taking on clients that you probably can’t help, and you’re trying to convince people that might not be qualified in terms of having the funds available.

You could be trying to convert somebody into a client where there actually isn’t a really good business case for them to do business with you anyway. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise when later on down the track you find out they really won’t convert, and that all the time you put into that relationship lead nowhere. That is why you should have disqualified them at the front end.

So, how can you do it? How can you know at the very beginning if a potential client fits or not? Does not helping them businesswise mean that you can’t provide any value to them? Do clients have to feel that you are being rude while you disqualify them? Today we are going to talk about all these questions so you have a better understanding of how this process works when done right and most importantly so that you can increase sales because you are going to be investing your time and energy wisely.

If you are interested in learning more about the disqualification process, I encourage you to listen to this week’s episode. I’m sure you will get a lot of value out of it.

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