Andrew Min, a financial advisor and Wealth Management specialist at John Blake Financial Solutions.
John Blake Five Ways to Get Out of a Sales Rut

John Blake Five Ways to Get Out of a Sales RutVisit to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

Everyone has at some point experienced a sales rut in their career; if you haven’t, there’s one coming, just be patient.

I’ve coached myself out of a few sales slumps, and I’ve coached a lot of the team members that I work with out of them as well so, I know that it may seem like the end of the world sales drop down dramatically, fortunately, it is not.

It doesn’t matter if you are the one that is experiencing a sales rut or if one of the members of your team is, the first thing to remember is that sales slumps are temporary.

Today, I am going to share with you the five things that you can do to get yourself out of one. Implementing any one of these to your routine will make a massive difference, do them all and you’ll see how much greater the results can be.

For instance, something you can do is revisit your motivation and revisit the basics of your process. As for the first one, you have to ask yourself what it is that you’re actually doing, and why you’re doing it.

As an example, my motivation for doing this is I want to help salespeople, I want to help business owners to get the best results possible from their marketing, I want to help them avoid a lot of the mistakes that I’ve made in over 30 years of, of selling, and I want to make sure that they get fantastic results. That’s my motivation, yours will be different.

As for the basics, often, if you’re not getting good results, it’ll be because you’re either not covering a particular part of your process, or because you’re skipping over something. Go back and revisit the process, revisit the basics, there could be something that you’re not doing, or that you’re not doing as good as you should.

Revisiting your motivation and your sales process is just one of the five ways to get out of a slump I’m sharing with you.

Listen to this episode to know what the other ways are. These are very simple things to put into practice that will set up straight any doubts or concerns you may have, help you to analyse your sales process, and solve the issues any sales rut brings along.

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