Andrew Min, a financial advisor and Wealth Management specialist at John Blake Financial Solutions.
John Blake - Creating Your Bulletproof Mindset

John Blake - Creating Your Bulletproof MindsetVisit to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

If you want to sell well, your biggest asset is your mindset, and today, that’s exactly what we’re going to cover. Once you have the three most important elements, nothing will stand in your way. It’s interesting that most people are unaware of these day-to-day basics for self-improvement.

Imagine a triangle and cut it horizontally into three smaller pieces (more at the top). In this example, you’ll find it compares to your results for sales—with great sales being the outcome.

But how do you reach this outcome?

With these mindset basics mastered, it’ll gift you with accelerated conversion rates. This all stems from people seeing your brand, being wowed by it, and spreading positive word-of-mouth info.

For the best results, there are three key elements to align:
1. How you feel about yourself.
2. How you feel about your product.
3. How you feel about your company.

If you aren’t 100% confident, then you’re compromising any sales action you take. Lack of certainty is the number one killer in business. It’s not always your fault though. Problems at home or anything to conflict your mindset hinder progress in this regard.

One other addition to this list is how you feel about your product. And I can tell you—your product must have 100% of your support as well. Time and again, I’ve worked with salespeople who have no interest in their own product, either it’s too expensive or otherwise.

A direct result is their sales are poor, or they let their bias lower their quality. Don’t let this happen to you. Believe in your product.

The ideal salesperson needs to own their own product and find it useful. When you have hands-on experience with what you’re selling (and love it), it makes for a genuine sales pitch. Remember, people respond to authenticity much more often than pure information.

Another aspect to work on is how you feel about your company and workforce. Keep in mind that 100% support in this arena will only benefit you overall. When you can trust your team, you can trust the process of getting your product (or service) to the right people with the right energy.

The market has hard to navigate on your own, so building a strong team is essential. Support them, and infuse them with the earlier mindsets so that you all work towards the same goal: selling a useful product that you all believe in.

Let’s reexamine that diagram we spoke of earlier. If its foundation is solid, then you have the proper support for the rest of this mindset change. For a real-life example, think about how you sound on the phone, or in conversation, when you’re having a good day and believe in yourself. You sound better, happier, and more attractive to your customers.

On the phone, 80% of our communication is non-verbal. It’s in the tone, the cadence, and the confidence that’s portrayed in our voice.

Similarly, in person, 96% of how you communicate is non-verbal. Your body language communicates much faster (and stronger) than your words alone. Think of your facial expressions, and how much a simple eyebrow raised at the right time, or a smile, can change a conversation.

If your mind is aligned, it shows up in how you present yourself, how you sound, and even comes across in what you write.

So, what would your results look like? The outcome will be a change in the market, how your clients see you, how they hear you, how they perceive you, and how they read what you send them.

Remember those three points I mentioned earlier? Use them as the foundation of your triangle. Like pillars, they’ll support everything you do: how you feel about yourself, how you feel about the product you sell, and how you feel about the company that you work for.

I’ll leave you with one last piece of advice: make sure to keep your promises. This builds customer loyalty and trust.

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