Andrew Min, a financial advisor and Wealth Management specialist at John Blake Financial Solutions.
John Blake Top 10 Mistakes With Sales Meetings

John Blake Top 10 Mistakes With Sales MeetingsVisit to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

Today we’re going to be talking about the top 10 mistakes that companies make with sales meetings.

Sales meetings are at the core of creating a great sales culture in an organization. Unfortunately, it is very easy for businesses to make any of these 10 mistakes. I’ve seen it dozens and dozens of times. I sit in on a lot of sales meetings that are not well structured, and that don´t lead anywhere, thus getting no lift in sales performance.

The first one of these mistakes is they either don’t run them, or they have them too infrequently. If you have meetings too infrequently, there’s little to no accountability, no consistency, and no continuity. When you haven’t got everyone on the same program, when everybody is moving at a different rhythm, it is really hard to build momentum. This leads us to the second mistake.

Having no structure, no agenda; or if there is an agenda, it’s too loose, and there isn’t somebody that’s actually keeping time. This terrible habit is most likely going to make a mess out of your sales meetings.

If there isn’t a structure and there isn’t agenda, it’s very easy for your meeting to get hijacked. Normally, it will be from somebody who likes the sound of their own voice or that has got a particular grievance. There should be a time and a place to talk about those things but not during a sales meeting.

When it gets hijacked, suddenly everyone’s gone down a rabbit hole and people end up talking about something that really isn’t particularly useful to the purpose of the meeting. Logically, it will tend to degenerate from there.

These mistakes lead to serious consequences and are not to be taken lightly. The biggest one is that people stop caring about sales meetings, and if they are too long, too infrequent, or pointless to them then the entire culture is affected.

Over the coming episodes, I’m going to be talking more about sales meetings; how to run them, how to create a culture where your team actually wants to attend your meetings, and we’re going to start it off today.

Listen to this episode to know what these 10 mistakes are, evaluate the way you run meetings, and identify what areas need to be worked on so you can make them do what they are supposed to do.

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