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Kerry Packer had it, John Singleton and Gerry Harvey have it – Richard Branson has it (but in a very gentlemanly way) and Jeff Kennett and Paul Keating have it.

In fact, if you look at most successful people you will find an (until now undefinable) quality that I am right now declaring as…

Authentic Arrogance

Arrogance is defined in the dictionary as : offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride.

and Authentic is defined as : entitled to acceptance or belief because of agreement with known facts or experience; reliable; trustworthy

Let’s explore this for a moment. Firstly I am talking about this in the context of business and not so much as it relates to “what is said” but more so in the context of “how it is said” or the mindset behind how you explain what you do.

Either one in isolation has very different meanings and contexts, but when you combine the two, you get a very powerful and very different meaning.

As you may have heard me say before, sales is a transference for feelings.

It’s the reason why a brand new, enthusiastic sales person can so often do well. It’s because the enthusiasm he has rubs off on people and they buy into it.

When someone is, as I have now coined “Authentically Arrogant” they can at first come across as just plain arrogant but upon closer inspection, it’s that fine line
where authenticity straddles enthusiasm that can “sound” like arrogance.

but there is one big difference…

Upon closer inspection, there is substance, experience and a genuine caring for others in a win win type outcome that shines through.

It’s the unbridled passion for what that person stands for that comes across at firstly like arrogance, but it’s simply unbridled authenticity.

It’s the unquestionable passion in knowing your business changes and enhances peoples lives that holds the key to the growth that resides with it.

so my suggestion for you is this…

Find that place in your business where you are most passionate and blow it up so that it’s a massive tangible ball of vibrant, blinding energy.

take that energy and inject it into all your communications with customers, staff and watch it rub off and send ripples through your entire organisation and out into the market place.

You will repel some and you will attract others but above all you will become an unquestionable stand for the core essence of what your business does for people.

I am convinced that this power is the source of all great businesses from Apple and Fedex to Dell computers and beyond.

Burn bright with the ideas and the principals you stand for in business and may the weak step aside and allow you to make all that you want to, happen today.

Colorful ebook cover with title 'John Blake: The Autobiography' and author name.


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