Have you ever felt your performance is not as good as you know you are able to accomplish? Or that stress and fatigue are consuming time and energy that could be spent somewhere else? There is a good chance that interference you are experiencing is being produced by unhealthy management of emotions, and overall, a lack of awareness about the issue and your position in it.
This problem is very common, it does not just happen among business people, but today we are going to be focusing in our field and in what we can do to prevent ourselves from being caught up in inadequate handlings of the issue. As you know, if we don’t assess ourselves and our businesses frequently, things can go out of control and lead to catastrophic results which would then affect other people as well.
That’s why today I’m particularly pumped because we’ve got a person that has been working on this matter for a long time, Matt Griggs.
Let me introduce you to him a little. Matt is a performance coach for both business people and professional athletes, he is the writer of two best-selling books, an ex-professional surfer who has actually worked with one of the world surfing champions, a number of NRL players, and many other elite athletes. Besides that, he is also a teacher of a unique meditation called Kelee Meditation which helps people detach from disharmonious thoughts and emotions so that they can distill their natural ability to its purest point.
As you can see, that is quite a resume, and I am really excited to have him on the show this morning since we get to talk more about the emotional problems that can affect our business and also about Matt’s perspective towards a healthy and more rewarding approach to life in general.
He recognizes himself as a holistic coach, who understands all the influences and all the aspects around an issue. As he says, “There is a lot of instruction out there, a lot of know-how on the why? but you know, the saying goes: where there’s a will there’s a way. There’s not too much instruction on actually coaching the will so that’s going to be the most important part and, the biggest problem to solve is to make someone’s will very strong, to make it very aware”
Matt believes that people can’t teach what they’re not living themselves or what they don’t understand themselves, “otherwise it just becomes an opinion and there is enough of that in the world”. We are going to discuss the importance of this thoroughly because the knowledge he is talking about concerns not only the position from which you talk about something, but also what you know about your own situation and how you deal with it, and that I think is a fundamental aspect that deserves to be attended.
So, if you are interested in learning more about Matt’s perspective and in being able to recognize and approach a particular issue in your business and in your life with appropriate tools, I encourage you to listen to this week’s episode
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